Just found a great project django-sorting. It's a generic way of queryset sorting.
It's based on middleware, and templatetag.
Please read the README.txt of the project.
In couple easy steps you get sorting:
1. Download & install django-sorting
2.In your settings.py
- add 'django-sorting' to INSTALLED_APPS
- add 'django_sorting.middleware.SortingMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
(make sure 'django.core.context_processors.request' is in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
3. In your template code: (the one below goes directly from README.txt
{% anchor first_name "First Name" %}
{% anchor last_name "Last Name" %}
{% anchor creation_date Creation flojax my_container %}
The first argument is a field of the objects list, and the second
one(optional) is a title that would be displayed. The previous
snippet will be rendered like this:
First Name
Last Name
You should also use django-pagination for pagination support written by Eric as well.
Thank you ERIC!
Ps. Big thanks go to Karim (first author of django-sorting code) and other contributtors of these 2 great projects.